On Friday 15th July we are taking our Year 5 children on an educational trip to Chester Zoo. This is part of our Rainforest topic which we will be studying next half term.
Due to the long journey time, we will require children to be in school for 8.20 a.m. that morning in order to leave on time. We will return to school for 3.30 p.m. Please note this is 30 minutes later than school normally finishes.
The children must wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch in a plastic bag. Children who are entitled to free school meals will be provided with a school packed lunch. For safety reasons children should NOT bring cameras or mobile phones. They may bring a small amount of money for the gift shop if they wish to, but no more than £5.
We have to tell you that, under the school’s charging policy agreed by the governors . . . “no one will be discriminated against on the grounds of inability to pay. However, voluntary contributions will be invited and should these be insufficient then the activity would not take place.” A copy of the policy is available from school. If payment is a problem please see Mr. Richardson.
To cover the cost of the trip we are asking you to make a donation of £15. School has subsidised this trip also. Please send your donation, together with the slip below, into school in a sealed envelope with your child’s name clearly marked by Friday 10th June. To help towards the cost please feel free to pay the donation in smaller amounts up to this date.