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Extra Curriculum

Extra Curriculum


Heasandford Primary School is pleased to be able to offer all its pupils an extensive range of extra curricular activities, which may take place over the lunch time period, or after school.  These are always very popular with the children and can include instrumental tuition, sports activities including football, netball, cricket and gymnastics, sewing classes, reading clubs, computer clubs, mathematical games clubs and involvement in ecological improvement programmes – the list is long and varied, and the activities are offered to the children as they move through the school.


Parents are always informed about clubs appropriate to the age of the child, and about when and where the club or activity would take place. Most of the clubs are free of charge and provide the children with an opportunity to extend their skills beyond the classroom. The pupils are able to experience an even wider variety of creative and fun activities through these exciting opportunities.


Often, our extra-curricular groups take part in local competitions or team events.  Our sports groups have won many awards and regularly appear in the local press. Children have won awards from local libraries, and have taken part in national art and music events.


Our School Council is made up of elected pupil representatives from every KS1 & KS2 class. They work together to share the opinions and ideas of the pupils in school. They discuss events and routines and make decisions that impact on the life of the school e.g. how our playgrounds can be improved. Our council is a valued part of the school community and gives every pupil a voice. It is responsible for deciding on fund raising events and the charities we wish to support. This has enabled our children to gain an understanding and insight into issues that affect communities on a local, national and global scale. Our Year 6 representative voices the school’s ideas and opinions at the Burnley Pupil Parliament.
