Good attendance and punctuality is essential otherwise your child will miss valuable leaning opportunities. We are always working hard to improve attendance at Heasandford and we offer various incentives to promote it.
As a school we have a target that the Government expects us to reach. Our target is a minimum of 96%. We expect children to come to school everyday. This can only be achieved with your help and support. Please make medical appointments after school, or during school holidays whenever possible.
If your child is absent please telephone the office on 01282 422009. Please do this before 9:30 am on the first day of absence. If we have not heard from you by this time then we will start to call all the contact numbers that you have provided in order to gain an explanation for the absence. If we have still not been able to ascertain where your child is then we will make a home visit. If we have not been able to get a response then we will report it to the police as your child will then be classed as a 'missing child'. This procedure is to ensure we know where your child is and that you are all safe.
Our registers are regularly inspected by the Pupil Attendance Support Team (PAST) who will discuss any problems regarding attendance with those parents concerned.
The headteacher cannot authorise any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances which will need to be evidenced by the parent. A meeting with the headteacher will be required and a fine will be issued by the court officer if not authorised by the headteacher.
Please encourage children to be punctual by remembering school times:
Our school is open for children in Years 1 to Year 6 from 8:45 and our Early Years Foundation Stage is open from 8:55am. All children must be in their classroom by 9am ready for registration. School will close at 3:15 pm making our school week a total of 31 hours 15 minutes.
Latecomers should always report to the school office.
After an audit of all class registers it has become apparent lateness is now an issue across the whole school. You are reminded that as a parent/carer it is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends regularly and on time. If you wish to discuss your child’s attendance, please contact Mrs Riley.
Please remember that if your child arrives at school after 9am they will receive a late mark!
DFE Guidance on the impact of being late daily and lost learning –
5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost!
10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost!
15 minutes late each day = 10 days lost!
Latecomers should always report to the school office.