All staff at Heasandford Primary School are committed to promoting excellent behaviour in and around our school. Both staff and pupils work hard to create a positive and happy environment in which all pupils can learn, and where children feel valued and safe. All our behaviour policies and procedures are guided by our four whole-school behaviour expectations which are displayed prominently around school and used by all staff to promote good behaviour.
In school, staff are always looking for opportunities to recognise and reward good behaviour. Children receive certificates in our weekly celebration assemblies for excellent behaviour related to their year group value e.g. responsible or enthusiastic and children are also given certificates and badges from the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher for outstanding work or effort. Each class has a behaviour chart where children are rewarded for choosing the correct behaviour and a Class Credit Jar which rewards when the whole class work together to do the right thing, for example, lining up quietly after playtime or working well in pairs.
The school also has a 'buddy scheme', where older children play with the younger children over lunch breaks etc. to ensure that the younger children are playing well together by organising playground games with them and supervising them when in the cloakrooms or moving around school.
Children with a problem are encouraged to share their concerns / worries through a 'drop-box' system in KS2 and through class 'Worry Monsters' in KS1 which are situated around school and are dealt with by the Inclusion Team.