It is vital that school is made aware of any medical conditions your child may have. Please record this on the pupil information sheet at the beginning of each school year.
From 18th September 2023 parents and carers of children aged 5-19 in our area can send a message, anonymously if they wish, to the School Nursing Team to get confidential help and advice about a range of health concerns, including health, sexual health, relationships, alcohol and drugs and bullying. This joins our ChatHealth text messaging service which is for young people aged 11-19 years.
Further information about the service can be found at or go to to start a chat with the local messaging service.
The School Nurse
The school has access to a school nurse who visits Heasandford on a regular basis. She is readily available to check on health issues, as requested. Before any support is offered these will be discussed with parents.
Specific routine health screening for height, weight and vision is carried out in Foundation Stage and again in Year 6, unless requested at other times. Vision is also checked in Year 1.
If required, a full medical check may be carried out. In these cases an appointment would be sent home and parents would be asked to attend.
Medicines in School
If possible all medicine should be taken at home, with the exception of doses prescribed four times a day by a doctor. If this is necessary, please ensure an adult brings labelled medicines, with instructions, to the school office. A form must be completed before we can accept responsibility for administering the medicine.
Please note: All inhalers must be labelled with the child’s name and are stored in the first aid box in class.
Child Protection
It is our responsibility to protect and safeguard all children. Staff are trained to notice any indications of possible abuse or neglect. Parents may be contacted and, if necessary, Children’s Social Care may be informed. A copy of the school’s Child Protection Policy is available on this web site.