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Healthy Eating

Dinner Menu week beginning 20th January 2025


Lunchtime Arrangements


Your child may have a school lunch, bring a packed lunch or if absolutely necessary go home for lunch.


Children who go home for lunch should return 5 minutes before the afternoon registration.


If your child has a school meal, please send the exact amount if possible, on Mondays, in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class number clearly written on it.  Current prices for school meals are available from the school office.


If you receive any type of benefits, your child may be eligible for free meals. Please contact the school office for more details. Even if you do not intend to take up the offer of free school meals, please apply for this benefit as school receives additional funding for children who are eligible.


Sandwiches should be in a named container. Drinks should be in a flask, plastic bottle or carton. (No glass bottles, please.)




We promote healthy eating throughout school and do not allow crisps or sweets at playtime, but fruit is encouraged.


Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1:


Milk is available for all Foundation Stage pupils. Current prices can be obtained from the school office.  Pupils entitled to free school meals are also eligible for free milk.  As part of the National School’s Fruit Scheme, children are offered a free piece of fruit each day.


Key Stage 2:


A tuck-shop sells drinks and healthy snacks. 
