FIND out about SEND courses
The Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Team are running free courses across Lancashire for parent carers of children and young people who have or may have special educational needs or disability (SEND).
We are aiming to outline SEN Support, look at the Local Offer, discuss who might be involved with their child and do some jargon busting. We will look at the Common Assessment Framework and Team Around the Family and touch on the Education, Health and Care Plan process but the main aim is to clarify school support and the graduated response. We will also look at what support is available from other agencies.
The course is for one day from 9.30am to 2.30pm
Refreshments will be provided, parent carers are to bring their own lunch.
The venues are
For further information and to book places, please direct parent carers to Tel 01772 532509 or email
Places are limited so will be allocated on a first come basis.