Welcome back to all the children after their long summer break we hope you all had a lovely time.
To all the children in Foundation Stage and any children who are new to Heasandford we hope you will have an enjoyable journey throughout your years here.
Harvest – we held our Annual Harvest Festival on Monday 26th September. Many thanks for all your kind donations which went to local charities – Womens Refuge, Spacious Place and the Friendship Centre.
Diary Dates – please see overleaf for some important dates for your diaries.
Dinner Money – is still £11 per week – £2.20 per day for KS2 children. Please send any money into school in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class clearly marked stating what the payment is for.
Calpol – may we ask you to send a sachet into school if you know that your child is going to need a dose of Calpol during the school day. We only provide paracetamol in case of emergencies.
Admissions – if your child is due to transfer to Secondary School at the end of this academic year you need to apply on-line before 31st October 2016. If you do not have access to a computer please contact the school office who will arrange for you to come into school to register your application. If you have a child who was born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 you also need to apply on-line for a Primary School place before 15th January 2017. The website for both applications is www.lancashire.gov.uk/school (search “School Admissions”)
Information Sheet – please return your completed Information Sheet and Medical Form as soon as possible. Thank you to all those that have already returned the sheets.
MacMillan Cancer – we recently held a cake and biscuit sale for MacMillan Cancer and raised £187.00 – many thanks for your donations.
SCHOOL BASED CHILDHOOD FLU PROGRAMME – Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 children have been sent information regarding the flu vaccination taking place in school. We have not yet been informed of the date for this vaccination, but will let you know as soon as we can.
POPPIES are now on sale. We would like to ask for a donation of 20p or more for the poppies which will be on sale at morning break each day.
Could we please ask parents to stay outside the school gates if you have a dog with you and not to bring them onto the yards when collecting or dropping children at school.